We had some big plans for 2020. Big expansion plans. Big sponsors. Big events. Big programs. Then, Covid happened and everything that was in the process of being finalized became null and void due to us not being able to bring people together in person.
It’s been a very frustrating and depressing experience. More so due to us finally being within grasp of achieving the next major milestone in the growth of 805 Startups. We have been making so many sacrifices while focusing almost entirely on proving ourselves to you and the rest of the community–that we live and die by putting the community first. That tactic has put monetization on the back burner. To say we were ecstatic to finally be moving forward with bringing on big sponsors and contracts is an understatement. Finally, we could begin amassing a team! Conversely, watching that all evaporate has been equally devastating.
I know. That’s not an uncommon experience for many founders or people in general throughout this pandemic. It’s been tough. Honestly, it’s been terrible. That’s before you even begin to account for those that have been directly affected by the virus in regards to their health or the health of their loved ones.
Community is important. Now more so than ever before. Especially, with such necessary precautions we must take to avoid the virus and thus avoid others.
Despite all the doom and gloom there is plenty to feel hopeful for. There are lots of wonderful innovations resulting from this ongoing tragedy. It is serving as a catalyst to push many people towards progress–towards making our future brighter.
For us, it’s pushing us to take steps forward with 805 Startups that we have been holding off on. We have to if we want to keep doing this. We must go fully virtual.
In the coming weeks expect a robust line up of events, just like the ones we were throwing in person. Expect a new website with full community features to connect with others and share resources, content, jobs, resumes, and business listings. Expect a lot more opportunities to leverage our shared communities as we all push forward through this terrible situation, together.
We could use any help you can spare. If you believe in our mission and the work we have done, please consider joining us as a Supporting Member